SP Blueberry Hill RV Park

No.: 27222
Highway 813
AB T0G 0R0 Athabasca / Alberta


Only partially open!

vom 1. Mai bis 1. Oktober  (oder wenn Mutter Natur entscheidet, dass die Saison vorbei ist).

Pitches: 50
Compare Price: 18,03 €
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Facilities & Services:
WC / toilet
Grey water disposal
Fresh water
Barbecue area
Playground / child-friendly
W-LAN / Wi-Fi (Hotspot)
Special rules:
Dogs allowed
Pitch condition:
Subsoil fixed / compacted
Meadow, grass or lawn
Athabaska Lions Campground
Athabasca Golf & Country Club
Opening hours:
Only partially open!

vom 1. Mai bis 1. Oktober  (oder wenn Mutter Natur entscheidet, dass die Saison vorbei ist).

Telefon (kostenlos im Inland): 1-800-859-9452
Blueberry Hill RV Park
#1 Highway 813
Athabasca, AB, Canada, T9S 2B7
Compare Price: 18,03 €
In local currency: 27,00 CAD
(updated Oct 17, 2019)
Rates for 2019
Daily Non-Service $ 27.00
Daily Partial Service $ 32.00
Daily Full Service $ 38.00
Address RV park:
Highway 813
AB T0G 0R0 Athabasca / Alberta


Provinz Alberta (Prärieprovinz)

55.0907437, -113.2740117
55°5'26.68"N 113°16'26.44"W

Activities / Tips:
There are no reviews for this entry.
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