Diesmal geht es mit dem ersten eigenen Wohnmobil (Mooveo 60 EB) nach Ligurien.
Wir wollen von der französischen Grenze bis Cinque Terre an der Küste entlang fahren und natürlich noch ein paar Abstecher ins Hinterland machen. Ich denke die Zeit von drei Wochen wird reichen diesen schönen Landstrich zu erkunden und unsere ersten Erfahrungen mit dem neuen Fahrzeug zu machen.
Wir schreiben in der Regel täglich unsere Erlebnisse in einem Reiseblog auf unserer eigenen Homepage nieder.
Wer Lust hat uns ab dem 2.6. zu begleiten kann gerne auf: https://www.neubuerger-dortmund.de/newpage94b0ba75 folgen und an unserer Reise teilhaben.
June has become our favorite travel month. This time Austria was on the program.
This also had a specific reason. There we were already two weeks after the first vaccination as "vaccinated" and our arrival day was the 15th day after the first vaccination. Our second vaccination was given directly after our return. We had a nice round trip and visited friends in the area around Graz.
Also this camper trip was worthwhile again, only our 7.40 meter rental camper would be much too big for us in the long run, so we have ordered a 6 meter box van (Mooveo 60EB) in September 2021, which will hopefully arrive before our next planned tour in June 2022 to Liguria also with us.
If you want to read about the Austria trip you are welcome to do so on our travel page.
Maybe there are some suggestions for others.
Greetings JuMa
Our third motorhome trip (21.8.20 - 10.9.20) went this time to southern Norway. We were lucky, after two vacations had already been cancelled because of Corona, this time we were on the road in the right time window.
One week after our entry into Norway the borders were closed, but we were already there
Accordingly, it was empty there on the campsites. If we spent the night somewhere at a lake or fjord, there was always a place in the first row free.
The Geiranger Fjord completely without cruise ships is certainly something that will not be experienced again and remembered.
Certainly not the last time we are in Norway on the road.
If you feel like retracing the trip, you are welcome to do so on our site: https://www.neubuerger-dortmund.de/newpage94c90e72
Also in 2021 we were on the road at the right time, but more about that later in another blog.
I hope the travel reports please and give suggestions.
Greetings JuMa
After making a few other trips since the last WoMo trip in 2015 to France, we went to Croatia in 2019 with a WoMo from our trusted rental company. Planned was a coastal tour from the northernmost part of Croatia to.....(as far as we get without stress).
We had thought that it would certainly not be so hot in June, until the first days of July, but far from it. Conclusion: our own ordered WoMo has air conditioning
A very nice trip, which will certainly not be the last to this area. Especially the trips into the hinterland were great!
If you are interested you can read about it at: https://www.neubuerger-dortmund.de/kroatien-2019
Greetings from rainy Dortmund
(there it is fun to rummage in memories of warm summer days)
Juliane and Martin (JuMa)
Hello all,
We are new here in the community and already have some experience with motorhomes. So far only rentals but since 2015 we are infected and have now ordered our first own motorhome. Delivery hopefully in the spring. It is a Mooveo 60EB.
We have started to publish our travel reports (written like a travel diary) on our own homepage, so that our loved ones at home can share our travels. We usually write daily, so you know where we are.
In total there are now 4 trips with motorhomes, the first was a Tour de France in 2015. If you want to follow the journey just have a look here: https://www.neubuerger-dortmund.de/frankreich-2015
If you like it, we would also link the other travel reports about motorhomes here.
We would be happy to receive feedback and suggestions.
Juliane and Martin (JuMa)
monatlich satte 100 GB ! in Frankreich,
alle anderen EU-Länder immer noch 25 GB für nur € 19,99 monatlich,
jederzeit kündbar.
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Hallo zusammen . Wir haben ,wie angekündigt , spontan und fast unvorbereitet diese Tour nach Spanien angetreten ! Es war unsere erste Fahrt in den Süden - also Abenteuer pur ? Nein , wir hatten ja diese tollen Stellplatzführer auf das Navi geladen, wir hatten auf der ganzen Reise keine Übernachtungs + Stellplatzprobleme ! Also keine Angst - einfach losfahren. Danke an das Team für den sehr guten Stellplatzführer !
Der Aufkleber reist selbstverständlich immer mit !
As a child with parents for years made camping in a tent matured after a few years break the thought to try a vacation with caravan. We bought an old VFW Fogger. With the option of returning it! My wife did not want to go on vacation with the "thing" so. After the upholstery was renewed, the floor was replaced and all curtains were replaced it should finally go. Winter vacation in Switzerland.
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Wir, das sind Tina, Motte (unsere 8 Monate alte Briardhündin) und ich werden in diesem Jahr zum ersten Mal mit einem Wohnmobil urlauben.
Das erste Mal starten wir Anfang Juni für 9 Tage und dann nochmals Anfang September für 14 Tage.
Danach wollen wir entscheiden, ob diese Art von Urlaub uns gefällt und wir dann vielleicht ein WoMo kaufen wollen.
Jetzt sind wir aber erstmal in der Planungsphase für unseren ersten Trip. Favorit sind zur Zeit die Niederlande und die belgische und französische Kanalküste.
Entscheiden wollen wir aber kurzfristig und dabei natürlich auch die Großwetterlage berücksichtigen.
Hallo Stellplatzfuehrer.de-Freunde,
hier möchte ich, die von mir verfasste, und schon manchem Srellplatzfuehrer-Mitglied bekannte Hymne als Textversion vorstellen.
Dabei schwebt mir vor, dass es unter unseren Mitgliedern musikalische Könner gibt, welche meine Zeilen in einen hörbaren Genuss umwandeln, und vielleicht auf YuoTube veröffentlichen können.
Leider spiele ich kein Instrument gut genug, um das selbst zu bewerkstelligen.
Ich bin mal gespannt.
LG. Villa Jück.
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