Terms of Use

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These Terms of Use were last updated on May 22, 2018.

Cross-border, free communication between campers worldwide and comprehensive information on traveling and staying in a motorhome, clearly presented and targeted - that is the philosophy of Stellplatzfuehrer.de.

We give all providers and marketers ("operators") of travel / RV, camping and other mobile home-suitable accommodation places ("Pitches") the opportunity to market their pitches on our platform for free. For our website visitors, registered users and club members ("Users"), we use our platform to provide functions and tools that enable them to interact with operators and other users, plan and carry out their trips at home and on the road, and on the web Preservation and further development of our community.

To protect our platform and services for users, operators and us, we need rules. These Terms of Use apply to your activities on the website of Stellplatzfuehere.de, in the mobile apps and other related services ("Services").

Our privacy policy provides you with accurate information regarding our processing of your personal information.


1 Account
2 Club membership
3 Contents and usage rights
4 Advertising, club benefits and "our recommendation"
5 Payments, credits and refunds
6 Contents, responsibilities and duties
7 Rights to published content
8 Indemnification
9 Changes to the services
10 termination
11 links
12 Stellplatzfuehrer.de's property rights
13 Warranty exclusion
14 Limitation of Liability
15 Messages
16 Applicable law
17 What to do in case of violations of these Terms of Use

1 Account

For many activities, such as Pitch and Favorites Management, Corrections, Reviews, Purchases and Subscriptions, you need an account. Here we differentiate between user accounts and operator accounts. Both variants are offered free of charge. After registration, the free account can be upgraded using paid subscriptions. See point 2 "Club Membership".

When setting up and administering your account, you are required to provide or provide accurate and complete information, including a valid e-mail address, in accordance with the rules set out in points 1.1 and 1.2.

Should we have reason to believe that such information is untrue, inaccurate, outdated or incomplete, Stellplatzfuehrer.de is entitled to temporarily suspend or permanently delete your account and to exclude you from any use of any or all services currently and in the future ,

You can cancel or cancel your account at any time by following the steps described here. Check our privacy policy to see what happens when you cancel or cancel your account.

1.1 User account

If you are not an operator within the meaning of these Terms of Use, you are required to select the account type "Standard Account" when registering.

By registering, you acknowledge that you are fully responsible for all activities and transactions exercised through your account. This also applies in particular if you provide the credentials for your account to a third party or if a third party uses your account without authorization - that is, without your consent. Consequently, you must handle your password carefully. You may not transfer your account to a third party or use the account of a third party without their consent.

1.2 Operator account

If you are an operator for the purposes of these Terms of Use and wish to use the account for related purposes, you should select the "Operator" account type. Upon request, we will transfer existing parking space entries only to this account type.

An operator account can be created (i) on your behalf (single-user mode) or (ii) on behalf of a company (multi-user mode).

If you create the account on behalf of a company, you acknowledge that you must be (i) authorized to do so, (ii) make the details of the account accessible to all authorized persons, (iii) protect the information from unauthorized access (Iv) your company is fully responsible for all activities and transactions carried out through the account.

If the account is in your name, you are fully responsible.

Since you or your company are also fully responsible for access by unauthorized third parties, we recommend appropriate organizational measures to protect your access data against unauthorized use.

2 club membership

You can upgrade your free user account at any time with paid subscriptions ("Club Membership"). This provides you with extended access to our services and you are entitled to use the current club benefits. With such a subscription you make a valuable contribution to our community so that we can continue to offer, expand and improve our services.

The currently available subscriptions and their prices can be found in the price and service overview.

The term of the subscription begins from the time of booking / processing of the payment, but at the earliest from the expiration date of a possibly preceding subscription and ends automatically, without your doing, after the expiration of the period specified in the subscription (eg 12 months). Thereafter, you will revert to the free user account, or a low-priority subscription still in progress, and any extended services, benefits or benefits associated with the expired subscription will no longer be available to you.

You can extend a subscription up to two years in advance.

3 Contents and usage rights

As part of our services, we grant you access to data subject to the following rights of use, in particular our parking space data. Your access to this data and the amount of data you can access are determined by the media forms, devices and rights that you use according to your account type.

We grant you the right to load, use, store and process the data provided by us for purely private purposes in the ways specified by us. This includes the transfer or use of data within your family, civil partnership or your household. Any use beyond that, commercial or non-commercial, including disclosure to third parties or other publication, regardless of which media, in whole or in part, is only permitted with our written permission.

Links to our content and data are allowed and desired. Embeddings (eg via IFrame) in third-party websites, apps and services require our written approval.

You must not use the data and services for unlawful purposes. When using the data and services and your behavior on our platform, you must comply with applicable local or national laws or regulations in your country. You alone are responsible for knowing and complying with applicable laws and regulations.

4 advertising, club benefits and "our recommendation"

Stellplatzfuehrer.de renounced in favor of the clarity and ease of use on intrusive and / or non-thematic advertising. We have no banner ads and no popup ads!

The financing of our services is achieved through paid accentuation of space entries ("Our Recommendation") and membership fees from club members.

By using our services, you acknowledge that "Our Recommendation" rating locations have been evaluated and approved by us in a single review, but the signing itself is legally equivalent to an advertisement.

For Club Advantage seats and club benefits for third-party products and services, you acknowledge that we will fully transfer the benefits provided by the provider to our club members. We do not receive or grant any donations, neither monetary nor other services, by placing such offers. The offers serve exclusively to increase the attractiveness of a club membership.

5 payments, credits and refunds

5.1 Price Structure and Invoicing

The current subscriptions ("membership models") and prices can be found in this price and service overview.

In addition, we offer subscribers the opportunity to purchase additional items (such as stickers) or subscriptions. Current offers and prices are available to subscribers in their profile on our website.

Invoicing generally takes place without VAT. It is made use of the small business regulation of §19 Abs. 1 UStG.

5.2 Payments

You agree to pay the fees and prizes for the goods and subscriptions you have purchased and authorize us to charge your account, debit card or credit card at the applicable invoice amount. Stellplatzfuehrer.de cooperates with external partners like PayPal (Europe) S.à r.l. et Cie, S.C.A., L-2449 Luxembourg and Stripe, Inc., San Francisco, CA 94107, USA, to provide you with the most convenient method of payment and to protect your payment information. Alternatively, you can transfer the invoice amount to our bank account listed in the invoice.

The purchase of goods or subscriptions we offer exclusively in advance. Please note that online payment types for subscriptions usually lead to immediate activation or booking, but in exceptional cases, processing can be delayed at the payment service provider. We are not responsible for such delays. In these cases, please contact your respective payment service provider or your bank. If you have arranged your payment and it is certain that the steps of the payment in your area of ​​responsibility have been completed correctly, but the booking was not done correctly, please inform us by e-mail to [email protected].

For payments by bank transfer, the processing on our side after receipt of payment on our account can take up to five working days. Please schedule this time for subscription renewals. For your support, we will send you a notification e-mail approximately one month before your subscription expires.

5.3 Credits and refunds

If the subscription you purchased and the services you provide do not meet your expectations, you may ask Stellplatzfuehrer.de to credit your account for credit / refund of the purchase price within 14 days ("trial period") of your subscription purchase. After expiry of the trial period, you are no longer entitled to a credit or refund.

If you have taken advantage of benefits such as discounts, gifts, and the like, or if you have ordered or received special goods and services (such as a username sticker) for you, the right to refund will be forfeited -Guarantee.

Upon termination of a regular subscription, we will refund any fees. For periods already paid but not yet commenced, you can request reimbursement of the purchase price by e-mail to [email protected].

If we believe you are abusing our credit / reimbursement policy, we reserve the discretion to block your account and restrict future use of the Services. If we suspend your user account or disable your access due to your breach of these terms, you will not be eligible to receive a credit or refund.

6 Contents, responsibilities and duties

For any information, data, text, photos, graphics or other materials ("Content") that you make available to us as a user or operator through our Services and which are published as a result of this, the responsibility lies exclusively with you. You are responsible for compliance with third-party legislation and rights. This means that you, and not Stellplatzfuehrer.de, have the entire responsibility for any content that you enter ("upload") and thus publish or otherwise forward in the context of the services. Stellplatzfuehrer.de does not control content that you pass on through our services, and therefore does not guarantee the accuracy, adequacy and quality of such content.

Stellplatzfuehrer.de is under no circumstances liable for contents, in particular not for any errors, inaccuracies or incompleteness in connection with contents and also not for losses or damages, which occur through the publication within the scope of the services.

7 Rights to published content

(a) If you submit a content for publication to Stellplatzfuehrer.de or if you enter content consisting of photographs or graphics for publication, you grant Stellplatzfuehrer.de the royalty-free, perpetual, irrevocable and non-exclusive right to use this content ( in whole or in part) beyond the services of Stellplatzfuehrer.de, to reproduce, to modify, to adapt, to publish, to translate, to process, to disseminate, to perform, to present and / or to hold the content in question for the entire duration of the rights which are the contents of being incorporated into other works, media or technologies, whether they are currently known or are yet to be developed, in whatever form.

(b) If you yourself are not the owner of the rights to any content you have provided, you warrant that the owner of the content has consented to the transfer of rights in accordance with the foregoing.

8 Indemnification

You hereby declare that you indemnify and hold harmless any claims or claims that may be made by third parties on the basis of or in connection with the content you enter, publish or transfer in the context of the Services.

9 Changes to the services

Stellplatzfuehrer.de reserves the right to change, suspend or discontinue all or individual services at any time, temporarily or permanently, with or without notice to the user. You agree that Stellplatzfuehrer.de is not liable to you or to third parties for changes, interruptions or the suspension of any or all services.

10 termination

For whatever reason, you can delete your account at any time. Stellplatzfuehrer.de will then delete the stored data. You agree that Stellplatzfuehrer.de may at its sole discretion and for whatever reason terminate your user password, your account (or parts thereof) or any other use of the Services by you and delete any content. This applies in particular if Stellplatzfuehrer.de assumes that you have violated these Terms of Use or have not followed essential principles of the Terms of Use. You agree that any interruption of your access to the Services in accordance with the terms of this Agreement may be made without prior notice and that Stellplatzfuehrer.de will immediately terminate or delete your account and all information and files relating thereto and / or any further access to such files or to the services can stop. Furthermore, you agree that Stellplatzfuehrer.de can not be held liable towards you or against third parties for the termination of access to the services.

In the event of deletion of your account, you can only get back to the services after prior written consent of Stellplatzfuehrer.de. You also may not help a user whose account has been deleted through your account or with the help of your account to gain access to the services.

11 links

Stellplatzfuehrer.de or third parties can create links to other websites or sources. Since Stellplatzfuehrer.de has no control over such websites and sources, Stellplatzfuehrer.de is not responsible or liable for the availability of such external websites or sources, content that is accessible on or through such websites or sources, does not own and excludes any liability or warranty with respect to these. Stellplatzfuehrer.de can therefore not be held responsible, directly or indirectly, for any damage or loss arising out of or in connection with the use of any content or in reliance on such content or goods or services provided via such external sources Websites or sources.

12 Stellplatzfuehrer.de's property rights

You acknowledge that Stellplatzfuehrer.de is the subject of property rights and contains confidential information that is protected by legal regulations, in particular those for the protection of intellectual property. You further acknowledge that any content in Sponsor Sponsorship and information obtained through the Services or through Advertisers is protected by copyright, trademark, patent, or other proprietary rights or laws. If Stellplatzfuehrer.de or the respective advertisers have not agreed in writing, you may not, in whole or in part, modify, rent, lease, lend, sell, distribute or redesign works based on the services or the software.

13 Warranty exclusion

Use of the Services is at your own risk. The services are offered in the respective by Designplatzfuehrer.de for good design and subject to the availability.
Stellplatzfuehrer.de does not guarantee that the services meet your requirements and are available at all times without interruption, in a timely, safe and error-free manner. Stellplatzfuehrer.de does not guarantee the results that can be achieved by using the services.
You are downloading or otherwise receiving Content related to the Services at your own risk and you are responsible for any damage to your computer system or other technical equipment used for the loss of data or other damage due to content download or otherwise Responsible for transactions related to the services alone.
Advice or information that you receive in the context of the services, be it in writing or verbally, does not constitute any guarantee of Stellplatzfuehrer.de, unless this has been expressly agreed.

14 Limitation of Liability

Stellplatzfuehrer.de is not liable for the behavior of users or other third parties or for contents or declarations that are passed on by users or other third parties within the scope of the services. Stellplatzfuehrer.de is also not liable for damages resulting from the use or inability to use the services. In particular, Stellplatzfuehrer.de is not liable for any messages received or other transactions that have arisen from unauthorized access to the services or a change in your entries or data or in any other way in connection with the services. Stellplatzfuehrer.de is not liable to you or other persons for damages resulting from the interruption, temporary suspension or termination of the services.

The liability of Stellplatzfuehrer.de, regardless of the above regulations for whatever legal reason should always be given, is limited in any case to damage caused by intentional or grossly negligent behavior.

15 messages

Notices to you can be sent either by e-mail or by post. You may also be notified of changes to these Terms of Use or other matters by posting references or links in the applicable Services.

16 Applicable law

These terms of use and the use of the services are governed by German law.

17 What to do in case of violations of these Terms of Use

Please inform us about all violations of these Terms of Use. If you find that content of the Services violates these Terms of Use, please send us further information by e-mail, together with the relevant content, to [email protected].

However, Stellplatzfuehrer.de does not guarantee that any measures will be taken based on your message.

Thank you for your interest in Stellplatzfuehrer.de

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